
Chapter 25.--ELECTIONS


25-4188: Residual inauguration contributions not otherwise obligated credited to executive mansion gifts fund. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (i) of K.S.A. 25-4186, and amendments thereto, all residual inauguration contributions for the 1999 gubernatorial inauguration, and gubernatorial inaugurations thereafter, that are not otherwise obligated for payment of expenses incurred for the gubernatorial inauguration and not credited to the inaugural expense fund in accordance with paragraph (i)(1) of K.S.A. 25-4186, and amendments thereto, shall be credited to the executive mansion gifts fund for the purpose of funding expenditures relating to the governor's residence, historic properties or both. Such expenditures shall be subject to approval of the governor's residence advisory commission.

      History:   L. 1998, ch. 172, § 2; July 1.