19-42-3 Contents of statement. (a) Each
representation case disclosure statement shall
contain the name, complete address, and tele-
phone number of the individual filing the state-
ment. If the individual is a state officer or em-
ployee other than a legislator, the identification
shall include the title or position of the person and
the state agency by which the person is employed.
If the individual is a present or former legislator,
the statement shall disclose whether the individ-
ual is or was a member of the house of represen-
tatives or of the senate and whether the individual
is currently a member thereof or is an individual
whose term expired within the past year.

    (b) Each statement which is filed pursuant to
K.S.A. 46-239 shall include the name, complete
address, and telephone number of the employee
and the name, complete address, and telephone
number of the state agency before which the ap-
pearance will be made. In addition, the state-
ments shall include a brief description of the pur-
pose of the employment including the objective
or goal sought by the employer and the method
of determining and computing the compensation
for the employment.

    (c) Each statement which is filed pursuant to
K.S.A. 46-233(b) shall include the name, com-
plete address, and telephone number of the
agency contracted with. In addition, the state-
ments shall include a brief description of the pur-
pose of the contract and the method of determin-
ing and computing the individual's income from
the contract.

    (d) Signature. Each representation case disclo-
sure statement shall be dated by the individual
filing the statement. (Authorized by K.S.A. 46-
253; implementing K.S.A 46-239; effective, E-77-
7, March 19, 1976; effective, E-77-20, May 1,
1976; effective Feb. 15, 1977; amended May 1,
1980; amended May 1, 1983.)

Articles 43 to 49.--RESERVED