19-4-1 Campaign finance notice of fail-
ure to file and notice of errors or omissions.
(a) The executive director shall, as soon as prac-
ticable, serve notice as provided in K.A.R. 19-1-8
on any treasurer who has failed to file a receipts
and expenditures report on the due date. A copy
of the notice shall be promptly transferred to the
office of the secretary of state for inclusion in the
public record of the person or committee the trea-
surer represents and shall also be sent to the ap-
propriate candidate or chairperson by first class
mail. Any treasurer shall, within five (5) days of
the date of service, file the required report with
the office of the secretary of state.

    (b) The executive director shall, as soon as prac-
ticable, serve notice on any treasurer whose re-
ceipts and expenditures report contains material
errors or omissions. A copy of the notice shall be
promptly transferred to the office of the secretary
of state for inclusion in the public record of the
person or committee the treasurer represents and
shall also be sent to the appropriate candidate or
chairperson by first class mail. Any treasurer shall,
within thirty (30) days of the date of service, file
an amended report correcting the material errors
or omissions with the office of the secretary of
state. The executive director may serve additional
notices on any treasurer concerning these reports
or amendments. The procedures for original no-
tices shall control the process in regard to addi-
tional notices.

    (c) Upon service of this notice, the treasurer
may contact the executive director for guidance or
clarification concerning the material error or
omission. If substantial issues remain unresolved
after that conference, the treasurer may, within
ten (10) days, request a hearing before the com-
mission concerning the material errors or
omissions. This hearing shall be conducted pur-
suant to K.A.R. 19-7-1 through 19-7-16, to the
extent that the section is applicable, at the next
regularly scheduled commission meeting unless a
continuance is granted by the chairperson. Notice
of the date of hearing shall be served on the trea-
surer. The determination of the hearing commis-
sioners shall be final. Failure to request the hear-
ing or failure to attend the hearing without just
cause shall constitute an admission of the validity
of the determination of the material errors or

    (d) The executive director may, upon the filing
by a treasurer of a report as required by this sec-
tion, notify the office of the secretary of state that
the treasurer has complied with the requirements
of any notice served upon the treasurer. This no-
tice shall be included in the public record of the
person or committee the treasurer represents.
This notice shall not be construed as affecting any
matter other than the matter to which it is ad-

    (e) In any case where a complaint may be filed,
notice provided for by this section is not a prereq-
uisite for pursuing a complaint. (Authorized by
K.S.A. 25-4119a; implementing K.S.A. 25-4148;
effective, E-76-52, Oct. 24, 1975; effective, E-77-
20, May 1, 1976; amended, E-77-47, Sep. 30,
1976; effective Feb. 15, 1977; amended May 1,
1980; amended May 1, 1981; amended May 1,