19-3-1 Investigation. The commission
may authorize the executive director to investigate
any matter required to be reported by any person
under the relevant law, or any matter to which the
relevant law applies irrespective of whether a civil
penalty has been assessed or a complaint has been
filed in relation to it. Whenever an investigation
does not disclose facts sufficient to warrant fur-
ther action, the commission may, for good cause,
issue to the person or persons investigated a re-
port concerning the findings of the commission.
(Authorized by K.S.A. 25-4119a, 46-253; imple-
menting K.S.A. 25-4158, 46-260; effective, E-76-
52, Oct. 24, 1975; effective, E-77-20, May 1, 1976;
effective Feb. 15, 1977; amended May 1, 1980;
amended May 1, 1982.)