Receipts and Expenditures Report
For a Person Other Than A Candidate, Party Committee or Political Committee
For a Person Promoting or Opposing a Kansas Constitutional Ballot Question
2024 Election Cycle
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Want to Search a report?
the following to search for information contained on a Receipts and Expenditures
1. Open the report by clicking on the report number;
2. Click
the Search tool (Binocular icon) on the Adobe toolbar and type the word or phrase
you would like to search for (examples - name or occupation or date or dollar
3. Click Search.
The results appear nested under the document name and path. Click one of the results. This opens the document, to the appropriate page and highlights the occurrence.
Last Updated: January 15, 2025
Key to Forms:
Affidavit - Affidavit of Exemption from Filing Receipts and Expenditures Reports
N/A - Not Applicable
Committee Name
Receipts & Expenditures 202401 1/1/23-12/31/23 |
Receipts & Expenditures 202407 1/1/24-7/25/24 |
Receipts & Expenditures 202410 7/26/24-10/24/24 |
Receipts & Expenditures 202501 10/25/24-12/31/2024 |
American Energy Action Fund | --- | 202407 | 202410 | |
Americans for Prosperity | --- | 202407 | 202410 | 202501 |
Jeff Lysaught | --- | --- | 202410 | |
Kansans United for Civil Liberties | --- | 202407 | 202410 | 202501 |
Make Liberty Win | --- | --- | 202410 | |
Working Families Party PAC | --- | 202407 | 202410 | 202501 |