Sketch of Kansas Capital Building




Gubernatorial Inauguration


25-4186. Gubernatorial inauguration contributions; treasurer; accounts required; reports; use of information in reports; disposition of contributions; civil penalties, disposition; certain violations declared misdemeanors. (a) Not later than 10 days after receiving any contribution or making any expenditure for a gubernatorial inauguration, the governor-elect shall appoint an inaugural treasurer. The name and address of such treasurer shall be reported to the secretary of state by the governor-elect not later than 10 days after the appointment.

(b) No person shall make any expenditure or make or receive any contribution or receipt, in kind or otherwise, for a gubernatorial inauguration except by or through the inaugural treasurer.

(c) The inaugural treasurer shall keep detailed accounts of all contributions and other receipts received, in kind or otherwise, and all expenditures made for a gubernatorial inauguration. Accounts of the treasurer may be inspected under conditions determined by the commission and shall be preserved for a period to be designated by the commission. Every person who receives a contribution or other receipt, in kind or otherwise, for an inaugural treasurer more than five days before the ending date of any period for which a report is required under this section, on demand of the treasurer, or in any event on or before the ending date of the reporting period, shall remit the same and render to the treasurer an account thereof, including the name and address of the person, if known, making the contribution or other receipt and the date received. No contribution or other receipt received by the inaugural treasurer shall be commingled with personal funds of the governor-elect or inaugural treasurer.

(d) The inaugural treasurer shall file with the secretary of state a report on March 10 and July 10 following the inauguration. The report filed on March 10 shall be for the period ending on February 28 and the report filed on July 10 shall be for the period beginning on March 1 and ending on June 30. Each report shall contain the information required to be stated in a report pursuant to K.S.A. 25-4148 and 25-4148a, and amendments thereto, and a declaration as to the correctness of the report in the form prescribed by K.S.A. 25-4151, and amendments thereto. The July 10 report shall be a termination report which shall include full information as to the disposition of residual funds. If a report is sent by certified mail on or before the day it is due, the mailing shall constitute receipt by the secretary of state.


Want to Search a report?
Do the following to search for information contained on a Receipts and Expenditures report:
1. Open the report by clicking on the report number;
2. Click the Search tool (Binocular icon) on the Adobe toolbar and type the word or phrase you would like to search for (examples - name or occupation or date or dollar amount);
3. Click Search.

The results appear nested under the document name and path. Click one of the results. This opens the document, to the appropriate page and highlights the occurrence.

Last Updated: July 8, 2011

Key to Forms:


            AT - Appointment of Treasurer or Candidate Committee Form For Candidate For State Office



CandidateAppointment of Treasurer or Candidate Committee





Period ending 2/28/2011






Sam Brownback  
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