Candidate for

State Wide Office


(Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Treasurer and Commissioner of Insurance)


K.S.A. 25-4148 requires candidates for statewide office to file Appointment of Treasurer or Candidate Committee Forms, Affidavit of Exemption forms and Receipts and Expenditures Reports electronically. This includes candidates for Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Treasurer and Commissioner of Insurance.

Steps required in order to file Campaign Finance forms electronically:

  1. Go to the Secretary of State’s website located at the following link:Secretary of State
  2. After getting on the Secretary of State’s website file an Appointment of Treasurer/Candidate Committee form. This can be done by clicking File a New Appointment of Treasurer/Candidate Committee Form located on the Secretary of State's website.
  3. Once the Appointment of Treasurer/Candidate Committee form has been submitted, the Secretary of State’s office will send a Username and Password to the e-mail address that was provided. Next log In and access the Receipts & Expenditures Report form by clicking File a Campaign Finance Report/Log In located on the Secretary of State's website.

A candidate cannot file his or her Receipts & Expenditures Report form until the Appointment of Treasurer/Candidate Committee form is filed electronically.

For questions regarding the electronic form or log in problems, please contact the Secretary of State’s office at 785-296-4561.

For questions regarding the content of the forms, please contact the Governmental Ethics Commission at 785-296-4219.